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The ‘German Détente‘ is sometimes used to describe Ostpolitik, the policy of good relations implemented by West German leader Willy Brandt in the early 1970s. glasnost Glasnost is a Russian word meaning ‘openness’. It refers to a series of Soviet reforms, implemented by Mikhail Gorbachev during the late 1980s.
'East Policy'. Drives US-Soviet Detente & European Detente. Reduce Consequences of Divisions. Non-Aggression Pact.
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The policy known as Ostpolitik a. almost led to East German absorption of West Germany. b. was designed by Conrad Adenauer. c. was designed by Charles De Gaulle.
Quizlet is a lightning fast way to learn vocabulary. Log in Sign up. term:ostpolitik Classes. Browse 500 term:ostpolitik classes. Study sets. Diagrams. Classes. Users
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Ostpolitik was an effort to break with the policies of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which was the elected government of West Germany from 1949 until 1969. The Christian Democrats under Konrad Adenauer and his successors tried to combat the Communist government of East Germany, while Brandt's Social Democrats tried to achieve a certain degree of cooperation with East Germany.
Testing Detente | National Portrait Study Sets and Flashcards Quizlet Chapter 1 - Semantic ScholarChapter 1. Lena Deimo 2009 auf die vatikanische Ostpolitik Pläne ausgearbeitet, um die Start studying Ostpolitik. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Unfortunately, Bahr merely kept occasional notes during Brandt’s tenure. 2014-11-27
Germany - Germany - Years of crisis, 1920–23: In its early years the new German democracy faced continuing turmoil. The Treaty of Versailles, quickly labeled “the Diktat” by the German public, galvanized the resentment that had accumulated during the war, much of which was turned back on the republic itself.
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The Cold War: Détente - The SALT Agreements, Ostpolitik and the Helsinki Accords - Episode 44 18 min .
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Ostpolitik Flashcards | Quizlet. Start studying Ostpolitik. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Search.
Willy Brandt's aims with his policy were to open up the possibility of German reunification in the future, as well as to maintain positive relations with the rest of the postwar world. German Reunification almost didn't happen. It was opposed by nearly all world leaders.
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Ostpolitik (en alemán Política del este) es un término que describe al proceso político llevado adelante por Willy Brandt, ministro de Relaciones exteriores y después cuarto Canciller de la República Federal de Alemania de 1969 a 1974, para normalizar las relaciones con las naciones de la Europa del Este, incluyendo la Alemania Oriental.
Brandt's Eastern policy - keeping ties with West but building bridges to East and Soviet Union. Negotiated treaties with Poland and Soviets in 1970 The policy known as Ostpolitik a. almost led to East German absorption of West Germany. b. was designed by Conrad Adenauer. c.